Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Savior's Blood

Today is Sunday and I'm not at church today because my allergies are wiping me out and have been all night...but I want to write about my Savior today:

"There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins...and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains."

I rejected Jesus for eight years of my life and in this time I read a book that spoke of the horror of a bloody gospel and the sickness in focusing on the blood of Christ. I embraced those thoughts for a time. But now having been rescued by the Savior whose blood bought my pardon and eternal life, I cherish the truth of being plunged into that pool of Jesus' perfect blood that washed me white as snow. There is no way I can ever hope to be accepted by God due to anything I have done as I have cursed His Name over and over. It is only in the hope of the blood of the Holy Lamb of God that I find a peace that will carry me safely into His arms one day!

The words from the hymn I quoted above lavish me with the love of the Man who spilled His blood for me...I love Him dearly!!!

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