Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Writing and the Call of Jesus to Bonnie

Writing..I watched The J.K. Rowling story on Lifetime the other day and was driven so deeply to write by both her struggle at survival and the satisfaction of her heart through writing. 

Writing terrifies me at times, so much so that I feel paralyzed and unable to think of anything to write about. But I have found that if I can summon one interesting thought in my mind and get a couple of sentences scratched out, then I am on a roll and it flows. 

Inspired to write cat-based chapter books for kids, I am about to start reading The Wind in the Willows and the Beatrix Potter books.

My life seems to be going from being streamlined to being stripped down so that I have time for my writing and my imagination. So often I will read a book or see a movie and want to jump in and do exactly what the characters or author was accomplishing in their story. I can't seem to just appreciate their story; I want to experience what they experienced. 

This unsettling is what deters me from my own personal calling of taking care of my husband, feeding my family & friends, writing, & managing the library and food pantry at my church. 

The call of Jesus to Bonnie is where my focus should be: no, it is not constantly trying to be like other heroic is living my small life with value!

Linked at The Wellspring

image from here


  1. You know you have MY support... and an a chapter or two!



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