Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hubby Massage: Potter & Clay

More thoughts on Massage:

I feel like a potter working with the romantic scene in Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore...

It is so cool to know that helping my sweet hubby out with this improves his whole functioning, both in body and soul as his love language is physical touch...

My mother-in-law told me that he was broke and I fixed him...

This kind of thing means so much considering the 8 years of my life that on and off again, I was ready to die from depression and loneliness...

My husband saved my life too ~ he gave me a reason to live and has filled my days with giddy delight!!!

"When one man loves one woman &
One woman loves one man,
The very angels leave Heaven &
Come in their home &
Sing for Joy!!!"

~ a quote hung in one of my voice teacher's bathrooms that used to delight me when I was it is happening in my own home!!!

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