Thursday, February 9, 2012

Routines of Faith

This quote has grabbed at me over and over since I saw it...It is burrowing itself into my heart and I am now crying out to fulfill it. 

Ruth Bell Graham wrote a poem about waiting for her very own prodigal to come back to God...she came to realize that she was to go on with her life and know that God "would do in, and for, and with him that which she never could..." I am so prone to go to a negative place and worry about those I love...I am to be there for them and to love them unconditionally in the ways Christ shows me, but Jesus is the One who does the wooing and the capturing of hearts and I must trust in His lavishing love for everyone and know that God is God and fully capable...I love the gentleness of being a seed planter...not a lording it over the produce with a hatchet, but tenderly planting and watering and watching carefully for its full bloom...

Enjoy these links from the blog Confessions of a Martha...inspiration!!!

Saturating your kids with Jesus

Saturating yourself with Jesus

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