Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Refining My Days

Forebear with me again, dear readers, as I once again share the ongoing schedule refinement for my days.

#1 Daily with Timing:

~ Up, Coffee, Write Daily Intention on facebook
~ Writing Book Half-Hour
~ Daily Home Tidy Half-Hour (idea caught from The Fly Lady's Weekly Home Blessing Hour)
~ Cook (M, Th, F), Simple Tuesdays, and Soup & Sandwich Sundays
~ Shower &  Pray
~ Weekly Projects: (Post: M, W, F) (Kids: Tu, Th) (Friends: W, F) (Linky Parties: Th) (Follow/Comment Sa, Su) (Catchup: Tu) & Write Counting Gifts on facebook
~ During Convo or TV - Body Stretches or Hand Work Scripture Pictures
~ Hubby Massage
~ Write End of Day Review on facebook
~ Before Bed Reading (Bible & Books)

#2 My New Office & My Bed

I have a favorite chair in the living room that is close to the television and helps me block out stuff around me and focus on movies, shows. I have decided to bring my laptop into my living room in the mornings for writing & coffee and during the afternoons that I blog or network. During my laptop time, I pop in a movie (a warm & cozy one that I know well and don't have to follow too intently to keep up) to keep me company.

Using my bed primarily for time cuddling with my husband, for reading, and sleeping will help, I think, provide more of a restful atmosphere in our bedroom. 

Linked at The Better Mom, Time Warp Wife, Growing Home, True Aim Education, We Are That Family, Women Living Well, lowercase letters, Passionate and Creative Homemaking

image from here

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to share your schedule. It will probably help stick to it. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!


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