Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Home Life & Biscuits and Gravy

Home life has really been exciting me lately. Having my home smelling good for everyone who enters, whether it be a lemon candle, simmering cinnamon and nutmeg in water, or dinner cooking. I also try, no matter how discombobulated the home may be, to have sitting areas available and comfortable. I am not able to constantly have my home in pristine order. In fact, it is never in pristine order, but it is safe and snuggly ~ a haven. 

As I have been cooking out of my pantry the past couple of weeks, here is another have on hand dinner:

Biscuits, using Bisquick and water, Gravy - made with bacon grease about a 1/4 an inch in a skillet heated then mixed with flour enough to make it pasty, then add milk and heat until right took enough milk to fill a big skillet completely full. Serve with Fried eggs. We had sausage on hand as well, but that is not a necessity.

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